For August I said
Start something new (pref a kit)
I started and finished Damask Square but it wasn't a kit
Get another bit of Santa's village done
Yes I completed Candy Cane cottage
Make good progress on Autumn SAL
not as much as I would of liked but progress was made
Maybe start spring SAL
No :(
Make progress on Rainbow Threads SAL
No :(
Make some hexie flowers (or progress on my scrappy cover)
I made a flower
Sell some stash
Lots of items found new homes
For Septemeber I'd like to
Finish the Autumn SAL
Start the Spring SAL
Next the next part of Santas Village done
Work on Rainbow threads SAL
Make at least one flower
Sell some stash
August turned out well for me stitching wise even tho it's been a busy month with life in general and with a bout of illness thrown in for good measure. I stitched for 93 hours 43 mins, put needle and thread together every day, had 2 new starts and 2 finishes both of which were the new starts so while I'm not getting my overall PHD number down I'm not increasing it either.
Current PHD total = 29