Sunday, October 06, 2019

Meet Mozart

On September 7 I treated myself to a class at Spellbound for a Nutcracker from their new book Festive Beading 4

My work place first thing

By lunch time I had a couple of arms

And by the end of the day I had all the limbs done

And here he is completed

I know Mozart didnt write the nutcracker but I was up in the middle of the night unable to sleep and Mozart came on the radio so I decided to call him that

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Horned and winged bowl

Over the summer I worked on this bowl from Mikki Ferrugiaro.
I'd seen lots of them done on a facebook group I'm in and as Mikki had a sale on around my birthday my Mum bought me the pattern for it.

The odd thing is that 2 other beading friends bought it at the same time but not only that we all started it around the same time and in the same colourway!!

I plan on doing another one at some point in a different colour way because it was such a fabulous project to work on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Long time no see

I thought I’d try again from my pad and so far so good.

My current phd is a very old Forever friends design that I’d had sat in my stash for around 25 years before it saw the light of day last year.  I didn’t do much of it and put it away again, last month I was looking at the ones I’ve got going and it talked to me so out it came me and I’ve not really put it down since

And a recent finish this years Birthday start