Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April's IHSW

I spent IHSW with the Zoo which shouldn't come as any surprise to you :)



I had planned to get alot more done but the weekend turned out to be busier than I expected and I got a little carried away with a new beading project.
I also had to spend a chunk of time figuring out what the mistake is that the lady who's project it is made, I got there in the end and was left with undo all the giraffe, the dog and the grass or leave it as it was and work round it!  I left it as it was


Linda said...

Looking good.


Ann at Beadlework. said...

You have so much patience, I don't think I could fix anyone's mistake. I loved seeing Rosie in her clip below, she's got such beautiful markings.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Soooo cute!

Julie said...

So pretty

Deb said...

Awe. Hope the frogs stay away from now on. Looks pretty.