Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pre June IHSW pic

The Garden ball is finished but no pics yet sorry folks so that means that I can back to my normal stitching, it felt very strange last night to work on something else!

Anyway here's my pre IHSW.  I'm off to a craft fair this morning until tomorrow evening so I have no idea how much will actually get done but progress will be made


Judit said...

So lively. It is great work. I like it.

Pull the other thread said...

Good luck with your IHSW plans. Looking forward to seeing your progress .

cucki said...

Looking so pretty x

Julie said...

I love the little wabbits! Have a lovely time.

Grit said...

Your stitching is so lovely.
Grit from Germany

Linda said...

Love this piece. Have fun at the show.


Clare-Aimetu said...

So cute :)