There won't always be a beading project on a weekend but as I reached the end of my desire to work on the robe for the time being and it was mid morning today I thought I'd add it.
And my progress on Legends.
I got Majesty's name done and finished his border then made a start on finishing the border top and bottom on Magic. The bottom is done as far as it could be without moving the frame to allow me a full length of thread and the top just needs a little more backstitch doing to finish that off.
Health wise I'm slowly starting to see some improvements now, I'm not getting as out of breath when I do stuff and it's not so hard to breathe all the time but the steroids are having a bad effect on my sleep :(
gorgeous beading, love the cross stitching
So pretty x
So glad that you are slowly improving. It takes awhile. Prednisone...blech!
Great progress :)
Your beading is coming along great, it looks fab. I love the Legends design. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. xxx
Lovely progress. Glad you're starting to see some improvement in your health.
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