Thursday, February 20, 2014

Beading finishes

First is a Butterfly bracelet of Mum's that she gave me to do over a year ago when I moved and only had Christmas projects handy!
It's kit from Oak Tree Crafts and was a fairly quick make

Next is a pair of earrings that came as a limited edition kit from Katie Dean the bows are much brighter really 

And lastly my £1.41 (plus vouchers) bead shop :)
I've made a start on one of the projects I got the beads for and in fact I'm halfway through it but it's herringbone so grows really quickly.
I'm using the dark 11's on the right and the bronze ones in the bag for it


Kate said...

Your beading work is beautiful. It's something I would like to learn.

Chris said...

Your beadwork is so amazing!

Heather said...

Wow, those are beautiful finishes. Great work.

Julie said...

Very pretty bracelet, nice new stash.

Ridma Krishny (HRC) said...

Wow....I love to bead....