Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Happy dance time

I have at last finished the Lake District sampler :)  very happy to have it done and I'm having a few days off before I start the next kit for the same lady

Please excuse the worse than normal piccies the light wasn't very good and I'd not ironed it 

Monday, September 28, 2015

A very late Gifted Gorgeousness post!

I'm just a little late with my Gifted Gorgeousness post this month!  No idea how I managed to miss the date by a couple of weeks but I did :( at least I've remembered in the same month

Back at the end of May I went to Nuneaton for a meet up and whenever we have there is always an exchange, this time it was for something off the card you picked or something that had happened/been said on the day.

Clare picked my card and send me this fabulous ornament.  I'd taken my quilt with me to show so Clare based her ornament on quilting

I drew Angi's card but my ornament had nothing to do with what was on it.
She was telling us about a conversation between 2 girls that was overheard on the train while they were stopped because of an incident on the line.   These 2 girls were talking about cows in a field when one of them started to run across the field.    One of the girls in complete amazement said 'I didn't know cows could run!' and everyone in the carriage was trying hard not to laugh loudly!
That story stuck with me and so when I drew Angi's card I knew I had to stitch this design for her :)
It's a TW called Grazing Bovines and the fabric it's on is the backing, I'm not happy with the bottom of it but didn't have time to fix it before it had to be sent 

Friday, September 25, 2015

SFS September

It's time for my monthly Stitch from Stash report

Starting budget = £50.05
£ spent = 0
£ earnt = ?
Budget left = £70.05

Not spent a single penny this month :) and I did have a finish that came completely from my stash but I forgot to record it so I'll add it on next month.

And a pic because I don't like posting without one, last weeks progress on the Lake District Sampler the end is in sight :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Southport pt 3

This is the reason we went on Saturday XH 558
The last time she will ever fly with the Red Arrows and do a full display :(

She has 3 displays left but they are all over land so will not do a full display and a tour in October before she is grounded forever

It was an amazing display and I'm so pleased I could go.
If you would like to see what she did in last full display there is a  youtube video

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Southport Airshow pt 2

More of the fabulous reds tomorrow

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Southport Air show pt 1

I went to Southport Air show today and had a fantastic day sat on the beach wall watching planes :)

And lastly for this post a cloud that appeared in the sky, it does have a name but I can't remember it!
We did in fact see a few of them but I only caught this one