I'm just a little late with my
Gifted Gorgeousness post this month! No idea how I managed to miss the date by a couple of weeks but I did :( at least I've remembered in the same month
Back at the end of May I went to Nuneaton for a meet up and whenever we have there is always an exchange, this time it was for something off the card you picked or something that had happened/been said on the day.
Clare picked my card and send me this fabulous ornament. I'd taken my quilt with me to show so Clare based her ornament on quilting
I drew Angi's card but my ornament had nothing to do with what was on it.
She was telling us about a conversation between 2 girls that was overheard on the train while they were stopped because of an incident on the line. These 2 girls were talking about cows in a field when one of them started to run across the field. One of the girls in complete amazement said 'I didn't know cows could run!' and everyone in the carriage was trying hard not to laugh loudly!
That story stuck with me and so when I drew Angi's card I knew I had to stitch this design for her :)
It's a TW called Grazing Bovines and the fabric it's on is the backing, I'm not happy with the bottom of it but didn't have time to fix it before it had to be sent