Tuesday, April 03, 2012


In the last week I've been given this award 3 times!!!!

Many Thanks to Michele Ursh and Rahenna for thinking I'm worthy :)

Liebster is a German word meaning favorite, dearest or beloved. The Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other new bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to help spread the word about their blogs and to help them gain wider recognition.
The Liebster award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting.
1. Choose 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.

I'm passing it on to....

Hmmm now for the hard part, 5 things about me.

1. I left my husband 6 years ago and we still haven't got divorced
2. I love Sunflowers but I don't like yellow as a colour
3. I play Crown Green Bowls
4. I still don't own a copy of The Hobbit even though it's my favourite book
5. I turn 40 this year but I don't feel my age


Stitchabilities said...

Thank you so much for thinking I'm worthy as well!!! lol

Chris said...

Thanks Lindsay!!
I don't know what Crown Green Bowls is.???
Have a great week!

Bonnie said...

Thank you Lindsay for posting about this award and including our blog (Anita, Bonnie, Jody and Tracey)
Our group is also a fan of snowmen.

Thanks again, Bonnie

Srinity said...

Thank you Lindsay. :)