Friday, January 25, 2013

Orchid Tassel finish

Recently a bag of stuff made it's way down here from ExH and in it was a Mill Hill tassel kit that must of been bought 10 years ago.
Monday I decided that I was going to make it up so I got to work, I did mean to take a pic of just the stitching but I forgot :(
So you'll have to make do with these.

This is with all the stitching and beading done

Whip stitch the edges to hide the perforated paper

Then you fold the paper and whip stitch the edges together.
I did take pics of that but they all turned out fuzzy so here's the finished tassel instead

And a couple of closer ones


cucki said...

i love it so much xxx

Kate said...

That's gorgeous - I have one of their tassel kits in my stash, can't remember what it's called but it's green

Heather said...

Wow, that is lovely. I don't think that I knew they did tassel kits.

Julie said...

Very pretty, such a beautiful colour

Anonymous said...


Your tassel is beautiful!

Giovanna said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I have two of these myself which have been languishing in the stash for the best part of a decade :-) Thanks for the inspiration.

Tommye said...

I remember those kits! So pretty! Isn't it wonderful to finish something so quickly. Great job!