Sunday, October 06, 2013

Another box

While I was sick I had a call off my WI president who was ringing to make sure I was OK and she reminded me about the competition we have in October.   Every year at the Autumn group meeting the WI's in the area hold a competition and it's always for a craft item based around a theme.  This year the theme was black and white but I had no idea about it as I've not been to meetings all summer with bowling.
I did think about entering something I'd made in the past but in the end decided that in the 3 weeks I had I could make something and after a little thought I went with a box.
I would of liked to make the Pagoda in Little Bead Boxes but it's fairly complicated and I didn't want to put myself under pressure while recovering so in the end I went the triangle box that I've made before from the same book by Julia Pretl

It's not really clear in the pics that I used 2 different blacks, one matt and one shiny

Mine wasn't the project picked by the institute to go through to the Autumn meeting but I'm still happy with my box


Poppypatchwork said...

You should be proud, I love it, nice shape.

cucki said...

so beautiful x