Thursday, January 02, 2014

2013 Goals report and 2014 Goals

For 2013 I said
Finish a TW  Yes, I finished Legends of the dragons
Stitch or bead an ornament a month and finish it  No, this one fell by the wayside and I ended doing them at the last minute
Stitch at least 6 squares for SOLAK  Another fail, I managed 2
Start and finish Santa's Village  I started it but didn't finish it 
Finish more projects than I start  No, I started 3 more than I finished
Keep up with the TUSAL  Ha, this one I did :)
Get my PHD number to below 25  Another epic fail.

I think the main reason I failed on so many of my goals for last year was having 3 projects to do off one lady and they took up so much of my stitching time that nothing else stood a chance other than whatever my weekend project was

For 2014 I'd like to
Stitch or bead an ornament a month
Start and finish at least 6 small TW's for the SAL (link in my side bar)
Have fun rediscovering my stash with Stitch from Stash 2014 (also a link in my sidebar)
Keep up with the TUSAL (another link in my sidebar)
Finish one of my Circe Des Cercles, most likely the beaded one
Finish Santa's Village
Get my PHD number to below 25, it's currently 32!

I stitched for 910 hours 55 minutes in 2013, had 30 new starts and 27 finishes 23 of those were new starts


Zeb said...

I don't think you should beat yourself up about what you weren't able to do.

These plans we make are just that, plans. They've got to be flexible because life is awesome at getting the better of us :)

Looking forward to seeing what you decide to stitch for the TW Tinies SAL!

Chris said...

Wow! Great goals and accomplishments.
Happy New Year!