Monday, April 27, 2015

April SFS report

Time for my Stitch from Stash report

Starting Budget = £81.26 (£20 for April, rest carried forward)
£ spent =  £2.71
£ earnt =  0
Budget left = £78.55

This month's piccie is last week's progress on Recipe for a Magical Night

Bowling season has started which means 3 evenings a week with my stitching time so progress will slow down now until September


Julie said...

Good luck to your team for the season.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Liking the colours on your stitching. Good luck with your bowling team.

Dani - tkdchick said...

What wonderful colours you get to stitch with!

Deb said...

Well done on your SFS!
Beautiful stitching!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Well done on your budgeting. Magical Night is so amazing with all those colours.

When you say bowling do you mean ten pin or crown green? I'm no good at either LOL