Thursday, April 30, 2015

Major Happy Dance time

I've been beading Toy Gatherer all week whenever I had chance and today I put the last bits on him so he is at long last done, wooohoooooo

The journey started many, many moons ago before I started to keep a record of my stitching so he was started before 2004 but I have no idea when exactly that was!  Last November I decided to make him my weekend project and apart from a brief break over Christmas while I did Charmed Hearts he's seen progress every weekend for 6 months!  

He started out last November looking like this and ta da

I've left off the ribbon on his hat because I wasn't happy with it and was fed up of fiddling with it and I've not added the beard either cause I don't like them :)

I will be putting the chart and left over threads up for sale in a few days if anyone is interested


Christine said...

He's gorgeous, congratulations!

Pull the other thread said...

Great finish. Well done.

Gillie said...

Oh well done, Lindsay, absolutely beautiful. Cheshire Show?

Blu said...

He looks amazing!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Its wonderful!


Julie said...


Deb said...

Wow! Absolutely gorgeous!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

A lovely finish, Lindsay.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fantastic finish! What a long term WIP and how nice to see him finished.
I love all the close up photos of the details, especially the charms and the patterned clothes.

Sparky said...

ohhhh this is delightful, makes my heart sing

Ann at Beadlework. said...

What a lovely finish Lindsay, the beading adds a neat touch to the overall design. It didn't take you long to get it done.