Monday, July 13, 2015

New weekend project

I had to pick a new weekend project a couple of weeks back with finishing the Sun Sampler and I settled on TW's Plum's ornament.
I started this 10+ years ago as part of a SAL but it got put aside after a little while never to see the light of day again until 2 weekends ago.

Here's how it started out

After the first weekend

And after this last weekend.
Very little stitching was done last week at all as my mojo went for a walk about for several days and only made an appearance late on Sunday afternoon :(  I did do a little bit of my quilt tho and made a start on hexies for an exchange

Turtles didn't even come out to play last Friday, this is the piccie I should've posted a week ago but didn't!


Justine said...

Those turtles are lovely, so colourful. I can see the plums starting to emerge!

Brigitte said...

I love these turtles in their different colours.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Its so awesome to see some TW's out there! I even pulled mine out over a week ago!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Love the colours in the turtles and the plums.