Thursday, September 04, 2008

Oh Dear

That Steam fair that I was due to go to this weekend has been cancelled :( for the first time in it's history because of the amount of rain we've had the last days and the forcast is for worse over the weekend.

BUT we didn't find out until we arrived at the field at 1.01pm (your not allowed on the field before one, talk about good timing!) so I just had to turn round and head back home again.
On the way back we decided that as the caravan was packed and I did OK towing Mum would see if we could get on the site they alway use in Wales and we could so tomorrow lunch time I'm towing the caravn to Wales for the weekend, back on Monday.

Sharon, a Steam Fair is like a car rally but it's steam traction engines/ fairground rides etc, although I refer to this weekend as a steam fair it's proper name is Malpas Yesteryear Rally and they have vintage cars/trucks etc there


Jennifer said...

Sorry to hear about the Steam fair cancellation, I hope your weekend in Wales is great!

MysteryKnitter said...

I'm sorry about cancellation.